Our Worshipful Masters Vision
To make good men better men. By sharing in the Brotherhood of man and spreading the Masonic Light of Freemasonry. To provide for the widow and orphan and support the community where we are located.
Grand Lodge of Virginia Charities
Grand Lodge of Virginia Masonic Home
The Masonic Home of Virginia is a vital, dynamic home environment for over two hundred and forty Masons, their wives and widows. Our residents live in a beautiful, healthy setting, surrounded by friends and cared for by professional staff in a supportive manner. The Home is designed to provide for all levels of resident independence, from independent living units in our Masonic Village to higher levels of medical assistance in our Care Center. Shop with Amazon and support the Masonic Home of Virginia at the same time.
Grand Lodge of Virginia Scholarship Program
In general, Virginia Freemasons are committed to high standards of excellence, and part of this commitment is carried out by The Scholarship Fund, Grand Lodge, A.F.& A.M., of Virginia. It operates exclusively for charitable and educational purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a Virginia Corporation licensed by the State Corporation Commission.
Its purpose is to provide scholarships, fellowships and other forms of financial assistance to deserving men and women from the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Grand Lodge of Virginia Child Identification Program (VACHIP)
Virginia Freemasons believe that children are our future. To aid in protecting our children, it has established the Virginia Child Identification Program (VACHIP). It operates exclusively for charitable and educational purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a Virginia Corporation licensed by the State Corporation Commission.
Its purpose is to promote and facilitate Freemasonry as the "Premier Provider" of Child Identification and Protection Programs. VACHIP will provide parents or guardians with "free child identification services" and promote abduction awareness and child safety education. It has been recognized for its work and accomplishments by Governor Robert F. McDonnell and presented with a Certificate of Recognition in 2010.
Masonic Community Blood Program
The Grand Lodge Community Blood Program is designed to get every Lodge in the State to support the American Red Cross and to save lives. Our Lodges have been organizing and hosting blood drives throughout the State of Virginia.
Grand Lodge Masonic Relief Fund
The Masonic Relief Fund was initiated in 1988, by assessing each Lodge 50 cents per member on a one-time basis, and was so named in 1989. And is a 501(c)(10) Under Section 170 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code and Section 106 (5) of the United States Master Tax Guide, contributions made from individuals, as opposed to corporations, are deductible when the donation is deposited into a fund which is used exclusively for charitable purposes. Donations should be made payable to "The Masonic Relief Fund," c/o the Grand Lodge of Virginia, 4115 Nine Mile Road, Richmond, Virginia 23223-4926.
Its purpose is to make funds available to Virginia Master Masons, their widows, and orphans, wherever a bona fide need exists.